Friday, July 30, 2010

Ollie's Station Restaurant

Today after VBS we scooted down to Tulsa to have lunch with Grandpa. He works downtown, so we called as we were arriving and picked him up on the sidewalk. We decided to go to Ollie's Station Restaurant. My dad eats there at least once a week - great food AND it has all sorts of model train displays, photos, memorabilia, etc. We thought Gabriella would really enjoy it.

I have eaten there a few times before and their food is always amazing. Fried chicken, chicken fried steak, real mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra, fried green tomatos..... (hmmmm, seeing a trend with the word 'fried')! Their website is fun to look at:

We had a nice lunch with Grandpa and the trains, then dropped him off back at his office and headed to Grammy's! Grandpa had gone to the library and had checked out 5 books (all with ducks in them) for Grammy to read. After story time, Gabriella got her brownie and milk then headed back to the play room to play with the doll house and tea set. It has been such a blessing to spend time with my mom and dad!


  1. I am so glad you have a blog now! Me too!! ... We can keep up with each other! Hope you guys are great. It looks like you are enjoying some great time being near family!

  2. I know how much you cherish family!! So happy for you and the fun that you're having!! Blessings...

  3. I know you are enjoying family! If we ever get up that way to visit, we'll have to make a trip to Ollie's! David and Christopher would LOVE the trains! The food sounds like what I grew up eating. Miss you! =0)
