Thursday, July 29, 2010

Egg Custard

Today I dropped Gabriella off at VBS and then headed East on Nowata Road...just for the fun of it. I had no idea what was in Nowata, so I decided to find out.

I found out that there isn't much in Nowata, so I headed North on 169 towards Coffeyville, KANSAS! I knew that once in Coffeyville, I could pick up 166 West until I hit 75 South and end up back in Bartlesville. What I wasn't sure of, was how long it would take me.

I saw several things that looked interesting, but decided they could wait for another day. I didn't want to get caught up in something and then not be able to get back in time for the end of VBS. It only took about an hour and 20 minutes to drive that whole rectangle...not as long as I thought.

I picked Gabriella up and met Lori for lunch at Chili's. Lori and I have known each other since we were.....around 6 years old. Her parents became missionaries in Argentina when we were in 6th grade, but we stayed in touch all the way through high school and I lived with her and her family in Cordoba for 3 months during my 2nd year in college. Through all my moves around the country, Lori has always been there for me. It is so great to live close to her and her family again!

After lunch and putting in a few hours up at school, Gabriella and I came home and started on my egg custard.

Why egg custard you ask? Well......last Saturday, we stopped in at the local Goodwill store just to check it out. In the back, I found 6 custard cups - just like ones my Grandmother, and then my mom had. I remembered all the times I ate egg custard out of those cups and decided I just had to have them. I turned them over, searching for the price and found out they could be mine....for only $2.00!!!

I had to search for a recipe, but I knew it was simple; eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla. Here is the recipe I used (off of

2 cups whole milk (I used 2% because that is what I had) [I also only use organic milk]
2 eggs [I would LOVE to find a place around here that I could get fresh eggs!]
2 egg yolks
1/3 Cup of sugar (if you like it sweet, make it with 1/2 Cup of sugar)
1 tsp vanilla extract [or simmer a vanilla bean in with the milk]

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees
2. Place six 4-ounce ovenproof cups (you can use microwave safe coffee cups) in a deep baking pan large enough to hold them.
3. In a medium saucepan, bring the milk to a simmer over medium-high heat.
4. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, sugar and vanilla
5. Slowly pour the egg mixture into the milk, whisking gently to combine.
6. Pour the mixture through a fine strainer into the cups, then sprinkle lightly with nutmeg.
7. Pour hot (not boiling) water into the pan until it reaches halfway up the sides of the cups.

8. Bake until the custard is just set (it can be a little loose) 30-35 minutes (in my oven it took 45)
9. Take out of the oven and let the custard cool in the water bath for 2 hours before serving.
I must admit that Gabriella and I didn't wait the full 2 hours for it to cool and set completely, but it was still good warm and a bit soupy! It took me back to being a kid and secretly wanting to eat all 6 cups of custard.
Joel had a late meeting this evening, but is excited to come home and try the custard.....I am probably going to make sure he doesn't finish off all the custard!

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